Making a Difference


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Getting Bills Paid in Hard Times

When Caleb Murrey was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer, his family had to make some difficult financial decisions to provide the care and attention he needed. One of those had to be for Caleb's dad to quit working, which put a lot of financial strain on his family. Learning about their need from the hospital, 12 Bands stepped in to help cover the mortgage.

When dealing with one of the most emotional, traumatic experiences a family can go through, worrying about how to pay the mortgage should never be a concern.


Gooooodmorning Camp Lakeside!

    In 2018, 12bands received a grant from the Community Foundation of the CSRA to renovate a cabin at Camp Lakeside for campers to use as the official Camp Radio Station. The cabin will be full of instruments as well as a full catalog of music for camp DJs to play over loudspeakers for all of the camp to hear. Renovations will begin this Spring and will be ready for campers this Summer.  


Making Air Hockey Happen

During one of our Monthly Music visits, it was brought to our attention that the hospital was in need of new air hockey tables for their playrooms. Since this is not a medical necessity, it’s not budgeted for by the hospital. The air hockey tables that they already had were so worn out from use that they did not work anymore.  12Bands was told that kids would spend hours playing and that they were a great source of distraction for patients, so we immediately went and purchased 2 full sized tables for the hospital, sidestepping all of the hospital's budgetary problems.